Thursday, February 12, 2009

Look at the Love AOL Gave As Seen on TV Products

AOL got down and dirty with some of the As Seen on TV Infomercial Industry's top products. The article and reviews pulled no punches (at least not so many as to be noticed).

A joyful day at the As Seen on TV Network, to say the least. We invite you to enjoy the read.

Products offered by As Seen on TV Network that you'll see on the AOL review include:

Debbie Meyer Green Bags (The newer, updated version of the AOL-reviewed ColdCut Bags. Keep up with the times, AOL.)
PediPaws (Or, for a more durable motor, try PediPaws DELUXE)
Quik-Brites (okay, so AOL reviewed Mini Power Pods. But you'll love the Brites if you like the pods.)
PedEgg – ( Pink PedEgg is available for a limited time. Colored in pink, including the now-famous Breast Cancer Research Foundation)
Aqua Globes – (and for smaller potted plants, try Mini Aqua Globes.
Handy Switch (no longer available - 2009/04/20)
One Touch Cordless Knife (this offer is no longer available at As Seen on TV Network)

And, once again, Thank you for reading.

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