Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Turn Passion into Profits with Help from The Millionaire Zone

There's a couple ways to go through life. The first way is to struggle through your days, working, slaving, grinding away at a remedial life which you hate.


You can go through life, invigorated, inspired by the fact you can do what you love every day.

There's a book about that. A book so big, its author has hit the talk circuit in grand fashion. Oprah, Rachel Ray, CNN, CNBC Mad Money with James Cramer, and Sean Hannity of Hannity & Colmes.

Introducing "The Millionaire Zone: 7 Winning Strategies to a 7-Figure Fortune" by Jennifer Openshaw.

Who is Jennifer Openshaw?

  • MBA
  • Successful businessperson. Positions included Senior VP of Corporate Marketing at Bank
  • Columnist for CBS Marketwatch
  • Host of ABC Radio's Winning Advice
In short, Jennifer Openshaw knows her stuff. And in her book, "The Millionaire Zone," she gives you practical tips on how to help you discover your on path to prosperity. Check it out.

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