Monday, March 16, 2009

Zig Ziglar Strategies for Success - Even His Name Is Peaceful

I just like saying the name "Zig Ziglar." His name is as much the soothing, laid-back, southern gentlemen mannerism as his demeanor reciprocates. And his word choice is much more poignant and pacifying than mine. Here, listen for yourself.

Zig Ziglar is now in his 4th decade of helping people. His humble, down-to-earth delivery has inspired thousands upon thousands of people to make more out of their lives and aspire to the goals they set for themselves.

The same man who has been recording multiple times in the Congressional Record of the United States for his work helping people is now releasing a 6-DVD and CD series titled "Strategies for Success."

Within the series, Zig Ziglar discusses how to build winning relationships, maintain hope, build a better self-image and more.

Need a pick-me-up? Check out some Zig Ziglar today. If you need proof, well, his approach got him to where he is today. He no only speaks but reaffirms the common-sense approach for everyday lives.

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